Choice of Commercial Pavers
Choosing the best paver for your commercial project is almost as crucial as picking your contractor. On a business scale, paving projects can include anything from a new pool deck for a hotel to a retail parking lot or roadway. Each type of project has different requirements for the sub-base, compaction, base material to be used, base quantity needed, and paver thickness, to name a few.
A paver with a typical thickness of sixty millimeters, or two and three-eighths of an inch, will work for the majority of projects. These thick pavers are typically referred to as "thick pavers" across the nation. They can be utilized in all home construction projects as well as the majority of business ones. If there will be a lot of continuous, high traffic on the area(s) to be paved, you should think about using a larger product. This isn't your driveway or parking space; rather, it's a road leading to a neighborhood or shopping center.
The conventional paver size of sixty millimeters is typically increased to eighty millimeters, or three and one-eighth of an inch, for thicker pavers. Selecting a product of this size can be expensive. For pavers this size, manufacturers typically add up to 30% to the price. Eighty-millimeter pavers are comparatively expensive even in high-volume production runs but are occasionally necessary.
Your best option is to hire a trained paver with expertise working on large-scale projects with plenty of square footage. Typically, paving contractors work on both residential and commercial projects, including everything from modest patios to sizable parking lots and driveways. Regardless of scale, every project has its own unique set of difficulties. No matter if you have a 400-square-foot space or a 40,000-square-foot area, the appropriate firm will treat you the same.
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